Schedule an Appointment with a PCA Cardiologist
Please call (877) 430-7337 and one of our Patient Care Coordinators (PCC) will assist you in scheduling an appointment.
Preparing for an Upcoming Appointment:

Patient Packet:
If you are a new patient to PCA, please fill out the below Patient Packet and bring it to your upcoming appointment.
Adult Patient Packet - 2023.pdf
Adult Patient Packet - Espanol 2023.pdf
Pediatric Patient Packet - 2023.pdf
Pediatric Packet - Espanol 2023.pdf
Pediatric Consent (Authorization for third party to consent to treatment of minor lacking capacity to consent)
Pediatric Consent - Español (Autorizacion para que un tercero pueda dar su consentimiento al tratamiento de un menor de edad)
Medical Records Release Form
Autorizacion Para La Utilizacion y Divulgacion de la Informacion Medica
Vein Clinic Screening & PAD Assessment Form
Varices Cribado Y PAD Formulario de evaluación
Patient Testing Instructions:
If you have any questions regarding any of the below tests, please call our office at (877) 430-7337.
Ankle-brachial Index Test
Anticoagulation Brochure
Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB)
Cardiac catheterization
Carotid Duplex Test
Nuclear Stress Test
Imaging Testing
Renal Artery Duplex Test
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Treadmill Stress Test
Stress Echo Test
Heart Catheterization/Angiogram and PCI
Diagnostic Testing Summary
Echocardiogram Test
Insurance Carriers:
All PCA Physicians are certified Medicare providers who participate in several federal, state, and county healthcare programs. PCA is also affiliated with several IPAs and participates in all PPO Insurance Plans. If you have any questions, please contact PCA’s Billing Department at (714) 445-0228.
Frequently Asked Questions:
If your question was not answered in the below link, please do not hesitate to call us at (877) 430-7337.
ASCVD Risk Calculator:
This risk estimator is intended as a companion tool to the 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk and the 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults. This risk estimator enables health care providers and patients to estimate 10-year and lifetime risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), defined as coronary death or nonfatal myocardial infarction, or fatal or nonfatal stroke, based on the Pooled Cohort Equations and lifetime risk prediction tools. The Risk Estimator is intended for use in those without ASCVD with an LDL-cholesterol <190 mg/dL. The information required to estimate ASCVD risk includes age, sex, race, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, blood pressure-lowering medication use, diabetes status, and smoking status.
All of PCA’s facilities are accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC).
A "Seal of Approval" Patients Can Count On
PCA’s IAC accreditation demonstrates our commitment to quality care. The requirements for becoming accredited are extremely stringent and maintaining accreditation requires ongoing audits of all aspects related to performance and interpretation of PCA's Vascular, Echocardiography, and Nuclear studies. The IAC must review every aspect of PCA's daily operations before accrediting our facilities. An IAC accreditation certifies that PCA is committed to the performance of quality testing that strives to meet nationally recognized standards.